Tag Archives: lesbian blogger

Dear Reader who doesn’t care what the charge is but they better go to jail — or the difference between treason and sedition.

So… 2020 was raggedy. That’s a hard fact, but I tell you 2021 is giving us very “wait hold me beer”. In the first week of 2021, the Capitol building was stormed by Confederate flag waving, MAGA hat donning rioters. I won’t go more into this act of sedition because that is a conversation that is being had over and over again.

Well actually I might take a second to reiterate some additional things.

*This is the point dear reader where I changed the complete focus of this post, and changed the title. My original post will be coming down the pike in a bit*

William Bruce Mumford, who was convicted of treason and hanged in 1862 for tearing down a United States flag during the American Civil War.

I see a lot of well meaning folks calling for those people to be charged with treason. Now while I think they need to be locked all the way up, treason is not what they committed (based on what we know right now). Treason is when an American citizen levies war against the U.S. or gives aid to foreign enemies. That’s really rare to see prosecuted and convicted, mostly because the penalty can be death. I think the last time was in the 50s.

What those wall climbing (and falling), horn wearing, election losing CRIMINALS did do was sedition. Sedition is right up there with treason. Sedition is any conspiracy to overthrow, put down or to destroy by force the government of the United States.

Examples of seditious acts are attempts to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the US (which they did), or seize, take, or posses any property of the United States (which they damn well did). It is also a federal felony offense but the penalty is less severe than death, it is a max of 20 years.

Adam Johnson, 36, has been charged after he was allegedly caught was stupid enough and believed privileged enough to skin and grin on camera carrying the House speaker’s lectern.

Now that we have that a little straighter, let’s talk about how things are going right now. So as of yesterday, Michael Sherwin, US Attorney for the District of Columbia, said it looks like more than 160 case files have been opened and 70 people charged so far. We have seen the videos of people being arrested all over the country.

Most of the charges I have seen are ones of curfew violation and unlawful entry. I, like most people, at first glance gave a major side eye. I was ready and waiting to shake my head in disgust. Sherwin said Aht Aht Aht. For many of those arrested, these petty ass misdemeanor charges are “just the beginning”. The quick charges/arrests of the smaller crimes were so they could get these folks identified and put on ice. It is easy to get an arrest warrant for unlawful entry, especially when there is photo evidence and often self-incriminating live streams.

When being a criminal + antimasker + social media junkie collide…

DC and the FBI are still looking to pursue significant felony charges of first degree murder (remember people died during the commission of the felonies), sedition and conspiracy. I don’t even think the power of white women’s tears is going to be able to work this time. So yeah… lots of those folks are going to jail jail.

Well… they should be going to jail jail *shrugs* Because… you know this is still America.

XOXO, Kristi

K Listen:@kelelam “Bank Head”

So I know I am often late to the party… it’s not because I don’t want to be there but sometimes I take the scenic route. That’s how I feel about queer artist Kelela and her song “Bank Head”

This is not new by any stretch of the imagination (it came out in 2013) but I heard it just a while ago on set for the first time. I didn’t know who sang it or even the name but it was a vibe that my spirit needed. A lightning speed download of Shazam later (which I didn’t even know was still around) and I was on it. Ever since I have listened to it no less that 50 times, each time vibing like it is brand new.

Chocolate City born, second-generation Ethiopian American, Kelela who was featured on Solange’s Scales, is the epitome of dope black queer everythingness. Her beauty alone is stark and stunning. Hard stop. But once I fell into the rabbit hole that is Al Gore’s internet, I realized her voice was strong and impactful even outside of the studio. She speaks vulnerably and honestly about her experiences in life, love and the black experience. *deep gutteral sigh*

When I close my eyes and hear this song, I picture a dark club where everyone is dancing in what seems like a blur except for me and HER. Lasers of different colors cascade over our glistening black bodies as we move slowly to the drop beat… yeah it is one of those songs. Sexuality in plain sight until… as the song goes “time goes by”

Take a look. Take a listen. What do you think?

Enjoy Continue reading K Listen:@kelelam “Bank Head”

And the Grammy Goes to…

Hi Lovebugs,

With all of the things going on last week, from the helicopter crash death of nine people, including NBA legend Kobe Bryant to my super fun time at the Super Bowl opening night, I missed posting about the Grammys.

But I would be remiss to not give a super loud congratulations to South Beach’s own Tracy Young for being the first woman ever nominated in the Best Remixed Recording category… AND WINNING!

Stolen from her instagram. Follow her!!

Tracy is a legend with over 25 years in the game. She has done remixes with LITERALLY every one of your faves. We are talking Beyoncé, Gaga, Rihanna, Britney, Madonna and other one name superstars. She even collabed with our forever FLOTUS, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama * consider my pearls clutched *.

She is a whole mood and a boss.

Congratulations to my Sappho sister (in case you had any question whether she rode the pink rainbow)! 

The Bougiest Thing I Ever Bought… on Amazon

Hi Lovebugs!

Today I am sharing with you the bougiest[1] thing that I have ever purchased… on Amazon. It isn’t even expensive, it’s just the fact that I bought it that makes me say… really girl?

Continue reading The Bougiest Thing I Ever Bought… on Amazon

KLife: 5 Best Things About the Super Bowl Opening Ceremonies

Happy Super Bowl Week Lovebugs!

We are in full on Super Week hysteria in Miami. The traffic is backing up, celebrities are touching down and parties are going all around. If you are a sports fan or music fan, this is the place to be.

I must say I am not the biggest football fan. I love a good tailgate and the atmosphere, but I am definitely not a die hard fan. So I wasn’t exactly sure what I was getting into when my friend Donna suggested we go to the Super Bowl opening night at the Marlins stadium to kick of Superbowl LIV. I knew I was going to have a good time with one of my great friends, but I was fully ready to be bored. Boy was I wrong! I had an absolute blast.

Continue reading KLife: 5 Best Things About the Super Bowl Opening Ceremonies


Hi Lovebugs,

Well I have written posts on here while all over the country, but today is definitely a first. I am coming to you live and in color from my… bathroom. Yeah fellas[1], this might not be the post for you because today I am writing about Yoni Steaming. Yes it is exactly what you think it is.

First things first, let’s discuss what yoni steaming is. Yoni steaming, which is also called vagina steaming, is kind of like a facial for your vagina. While you are sitting on a herb filled pot of hot (but not boiling) water, the steam rises through your lady parts and gives it a little pick me up. The herbs tone and rejuvenate your vajajay[2] inside and out.

Now I have heard of yoni steaming over the years a handful of times. This isn’t some new fad at all. Yoni steaming can be seen in different cultures for hundreds of years. Women all over the world use it as part of their self care routine. This time, I decided to actually give it a go. Marty mentioned it during one of our sister chats (along with April) and I knew it was a sign. The benefits of yoni steaming seemed great, with some that definitely peaked my interest.

Here are just a few.

  • Improve fertility.
  • Increase circulation and blood flow.
  • Cleanse the uterine lining of old blood.
  • Treat uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis.
  • Improve period bleeding that is brown or black in colour.
  • Reduce period pain and discomfort
  • Helps to restore bacterial and PH balance to aid in prevention of infections, bacterial vaginosis and odor.
  • Detoxify your mind, body and soul

Before I get any further, and I am sure that most of you already know this BUT your vagina is self cleaning. So while this “cleanses”, your vagina doesn’t need any help.

71KYQjPbLTL._SX522_So off to Amazon I went for my Sew Right starter kit. I know I know there are herbalists and healers that create their own but I wanted to introduce it into my Sunday self care routine ASAP.

I chose the Female Rituals Steam Therapy (1 Ounce) package. The two reasons I went with this one was that a) it was the brand that Marty recommended and b) they had a small 1 oz offering (enough for 1-2 steams), so I could try them out.

As I write and steam, I can tell you some first impressions.  It smells really floral and has a calming effect that I like. Before I even sat down, the aroma took over my house. It is like a really fragrant herbal tea. The scent plus the steam are giving me a really relaxed feeling. The tensions of my week are melting away, if only for a minute. I can definitely see myself having a good rest after I finish this and my pamper day skincare routine[3].

61aux7Xu7gL._SX522_The second piece I bought for my kit was the Carex Sitz Bath.

Now you can use a pot and sit it in your toilet but… yeah that was a no for me. Or you can get really fancy and buy a Yoni Steam Chair but… while I am down to buy a bougie item or two for selfcare day… that was also a no for me.

This sitz bath sat right into my toilet with a vent space and once I am done I will be able to simply dispose of the herbs and wash it out for next time.

So here are the steps that I did.

  • Put the sitz bath in the toilet with half a package (1/2 an ounce of herbs)
  • Boiled water in my tea pot and poured the hot water into the mix.
  • Steep herbs for 10 minutes in the water
  • Grabbed a bottle of water so I didn’t get dehydrated and got undressed.
  • Covered myself with a blanket to keep in the steam and put my laptop on top
  • Blogged with you all in tow. (Next time I think I will read a book)
  • Steamed for about 20-25 minutes.
  • Disposed of the herbs and rinsed the sitz
  • Laying down with the rest of my water for a bit, finishing up this post and watching Living Single[4] on Hulu.

I plan to definitely incorporate yoni steaming into my moon cycles. They say to do it a week before your period (but definitely not while on your period). I am getting conflicting information about how often to do it, but I think for myself I would like to do it 2-3 times a month on my Sunday ritual. I feel so relaxed and in tune to “her” right now and I want to keep that going.

Have you ever done a Yoni Steam aka Vaginal Steaming? How did you like it? How do you incorporate it into your routine? Do you have any tips for someone using it? Comment below and tell me what you think. Can’t wait to hear from you!

[1]But you are definitely welcome to stay. We are all inclusive over here.

[2]I really should have included a drinking game where you have to take a shot every time I say ANY word equivalent to vagina.

[3]I will do that post next week maybe as part of the two part series.

[4]Just watched the episode where Kyle sang the draws off of Max. I so loved them.

KTravel: Micheladas on Rosarito Beach

Hi Lovebugs!

Here is a repost from my trip to Rosarito, Mexico.  It was absolutely necessary and absolutely right on time.

One of the best takeaways I had came in the cup (don’t judge me!). Say hola to the Mexican answer to the Bloody Mary – the Michelada! It’s light, refreshing and made with a dash of hot sauce.


Continue reading KTravel: Micheladas on Rosarito Beach